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Tools and Supplies to Get Rid of Leaffooted Bugs on Your Citrus Trees
1 Insecticide spray
2 Pruning shears
3 Garden gloves
4 Garden hose
5 Protective eyewear
6 Ladder
7 Bucket

How to Get Rid of Leaffooted Bugs on Your Citrus Trees

Say Goodbye to Leaffooted Bugs: Easy Tips to Protect Your Citrus Trees

Leaffooted bugs are a common pest that can cause damage to your citrus trees. These bugs feed on the fruit and leaves of the tree, causing damage and reducing the quality of the fruit. If you want to get rid of leaffooted bugs on your citrus trees, follow these steps:

1. Identify the leaffooted bugs: The first step in getting rid of leaffooted bugs is to identify them. These bugs are about an inch long and have a distinctive flattened, leaf-like structure on their hind legs. They are usually brown or gray in color and have a long, narrow body.

2. Remove any damaged fruit: Leaffooted bugs are attracted to damaged or overripe fruit, so removing any damaged fruit from your citrus trees can help to reduce the number of bugs in the area.

3. Use a vacuum: One of the most effective ways to get rid of leaffooted bugs is to use a vacuum. Simply attach a hose to your vacuum cleaner and use it to suck up the bugs from the leaves and fruit of your citrus trees.

4. Use insecticidal soap: Insecticidal soap can be an effective way to get rid of leaffooted bugs. Simply mix the soap with water according to the instructions on the label and spray it onto the affected areas of your citrus trees.

5. Use neem oil: Neem oil is a natural insecticide that can be used to get rid of leaffooted bugs. Simply mix the oil with water according to the instructions on the label and spray it onto the affected areas of your citrus trees.

6. Use sticky traps: Sticky traps can be used to catch leaffooted bugs. Simply place the traps around the base of your citrus trees and the bugs will be attracted to them and get stuck.

7. Hire a professional: If you have a severe infestation of leaffooted bugs on your citrus trees, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control company to get rid of them.

By following these steps, you can effectively get rid of leaffooted bugs on your citrus trees and protect your fruit from damage.

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